Sunday 12 June 2016

The squirrels and rabbits have gone nuts

Or rather, they've gone beans. They've beheaded almost all of my adzuki beans, which had been growing so nicely. And some of the cucumbers and melons and one tomato plant, nipped right in half. I'm sure that's the rabbits. The squirrels tend to limit themselves to digging out the sides of the squash hills and uprooting seedlings. The twelve asparagus starts which were about two feet long and going great have completely disappeared -- not a trace of them. Eaten before they even had a chance to root well. Six months of work and hope down the drain.

There are days when I envision digging a two-foot deep trench around my garden, pouring in concrete, and then erecting a screened-in seven-foot-tall cage over the entire thing, so light and rain and bees can get in but nothing else can. A two-thousand dollar solution to save my $60 worth of plants. Sigh.

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